PKF WMS Rechtsanwalt
Online reporting platform of the Caritasverband für die Diözese Osnabrück e.V. and affiliated member institutions for violations under the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Dear whistleblower,
the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Osnabrück has set up a web-based platform for the confidential reporting of violations of the Whistleblower Protection Act within its own association and its affiliated member organizations. In order to fulfill our responsibility for legally compliant corporate governance, violations of the law can be reported to our ombudspersons via this online reporting portal. We would also like to encourage all employees and temporary workers in our company who perform their work honestly and in accordance with the law to report unfair, unlawful and unethical behavior.
You can report a violation by stating your name. Such a report will be accepted by ombudspersons appointed by us, who are experienced external lawyers committed to absolute confidentiality. If requested, our ombudspersons will treat your inquiry in the strictest confidence and will first examine on their own responsibility whether a relevant violation under the standards of the Whistleblower Protection Act exists at all or appears plausible. Our ombudspersons will then clarify the facts together with the person of trust appointed by our company and provide you with feedback on what has become of your report.
With the platform, we fulfill our obligation to set up a whistleblower system in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act. In particular, you can thus provide information about
  • Violations that are punishable by law.
  • Violations that are subject to fines, insofar as the provision serves to protect life, limb or health or to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies.
be reported.
Anyone who reports an alleged violation with good intentions, which is not confirmed upon closer examination, has nothing to fear. However, we would like to point out that deliberate or grossly negligent false reports can lead to criminal, civil and labor law consequences.

Notices can be submitted through the following reporting channels:

Whistleblower portal

Digital whistleblowing system

Reports can be submitted via the digital whistleblower system. The digital whistleblower system enables reports on violations of laws while maintaining their identity.
Please ensure that you are communicating via a secure internet connection. (Represented by the lock icon in your browser).
Rechtsanwälte | PKF WMS Rechtsanwalt
Martinsburg 15 | 49078 Osnabrück | Germany
Phone 054194422600 | Privacy | Legal notice